Flowers, Hummingbirds, and River Bugs: SLRSP Easter 2024

Our fourth trip to South Llano River State Park (SLRSP) over Easter weekend 2024 “was a lot of fun” – that’s a direct quote from our son on our final night. We count that as a big win, since he often seems like a moody teenager in an almost nine-year-old’s body. Flowers, hummingbirds, and finding river bugs with a park ranger were highlights of this visit. You can read about previous visits, with additional information about the park, here, here, and here.

Arriving Friday afternoon and departing before dawn on Sunday morning, we managed both to find time to relax and to make the most of our time at the park. On Friday, we set up our campsite, and then I did a roughly five-mile trail run before dinner. On Saturday, my wife did a nearly 12-mile trail run in the morning while our son and I went to a watercolor painting activity led by a ranger. After lunch, I went on a roughly six-mile trail run, and ended the run down by the river, meeting my wife and son for another ranger-led activity: searching for river bugs in the South Llano River that runs through the park. On Sunday morning, we woke up at 6 a.m. so that we could depart around 7 a.m. to make it back home in time to join my family for an Easter lunch.

As usual, it was a very enjoyable trip, reminding us again why it is one of our favorite parks in the state. Below are photos from our trip. NOTE: You can click on any of the photos below to view them in a larger size. There might be a slight pixelation on larger screens since the image sizes have been reduced to improve page loading time.

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